ευκολη αναζητηση φορεων
Χρήσιμοι σύνδεσμοι


PROJECT NAME : New Environmental Bio-Reality - “BIOREAL“
BENEFICIARY : Municipality of Chalkidona
PROJECT’S BUDGET : 894.311,00 €
PROJECT DURATION : 04.2018 – 12.2023
DELIVERABLE : Pilot Composting Plant and Bio-Wasts Collection System
The project’s overall objective is to improve the solid waste and wastewater management, with special focus to the promotion of recycling and biological wastes separation at source and treatment. Development of tools, infrastructures and equipment for effective waste management, will contribute to improved living standards and environmental conditions, better use of natural resources, increased attractiveness of the area for visitors and improved employment opportunities in environmental and touristic services. Specifically, the project includes the elaboration of several studies, concerning specific issues about biological wastes, and actions in order to support recycling actions of biological wastes.